Direct Booking Advantages
We are proud to offer you numerous benefits as a direct booker. From the best price guarantee to exclusive offers and promotions, the possibility of a free cancellation and more flexible changes - with us, you can be sure to get the most out of your stay.
Additionally, you can expect personalized attention and direct communication with the hotel. Book directly with ARCOTEL Hotels and experience the difference!
Cash Rewards: The Guestbook presents a unique cash reward program that allows guests to receive real money back.
Direct Communication with the Hotel: Benefit from direct communication with the hotel to clear up any questions or concerns.
Personalized Attention: As a direct booker at ARCOTEL Hotels, you'll receive personalized attention and convey any special requests or needs to the hotel.
Exclusive offers and promotions: Take advantage of exclusive offers and promotions not available elsewhere.
Best Price Guarantee: As a direct booker you'll get the best available price.
No Hidden Fees: There are no hidden fees or surcharges.
Flexible Changes: Change your booking directly and without additional costs.
Better cancellation terms: Direct bookings often offer the option of free cancellation up until a certain time before arrival.
Privacy: We care about the privacy of your personal data.